Monday, October 3, 2005

On Hebrews

It's nights like this that I am not always thrilled about...tired yet can't sleep...hungry, yet no food to really eat...lying in bed for hours, yet wide awake. I know I need the sleep and wish I could, but truth is...I can't sleep.
It's these nights that I often go for a bike ride...and it's these nights that I have ideas for sermons...that I get this inspiration to is also for this reason that I have a xanga write all of my sermon ideas in one central location...where others can read it...and I "preach" through writing while in school...and can come back to these ideas and outlines later...when the time is right. Though these nights are sometimes frustrating...I thank God for's my thoughts of the night.

The text is Hebrews 2:11, my favorite verse (at least one of my favorites).

  • It reads "For the one who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father. For this reason Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters," (NRSV).
  • What is the concept/defintion of sanctification?

    • Sanctification is the process in which one is made holy or righteous.
  • Who are the sanctified?

    • Those who have called upon Christ to redeem them of their sins, to save us from our iniquities (John 6:40)
    • Those who believe in Christ and the message he spoke
    • Those set free from the bondages of sin (John 8:36)
    • Those are have died to sin and are made a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17)

      • Essentially, we, Christians...the believers, are sanctified
  • Who is the one who sanctifies?

    • II Corinthians 5:19, 21
    • Christ himself, the one who is sinless, God himself revealed to us in the flesh
    • Christ died on the cross for us (John 3:16)
    • Through his blood, we are made holy, we are made righteous

      • Through Christ, we are sanctified
    • Christ came to save us from our sins, free us from the chains
    • Christ is our risen redeemer
    • We die to sin and rise with him
  • What does this mean?

    • We, Christians, are the brothers and sisters of Christ (Mark 3:31-35)
    • Christ is our brother, the very one who was innocent, yet paid the price

      • He was sinless, lived the perfect life, and died for us

        • "How Deep the Father's Love for Us", an amazing song, and one line reads

          • "ashamed to hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers", and how true is that
          • Our Lord IS humbled, He IS Love
    • Also, God is our Father, and we are all heirs to His kingdom, of which no one deserves to even enter! (Galatians 4:7)
  • Application

    • Remember who you are in Christ

      • Not only are you saved from death (the wages of sin), but you are also one of God's children
      • A brother or sister of Christ, our Savior
      • He Loves you, and don't forget that!
    • God is our Father

      • A friend once described sin as something that hurts us
      • God gives us these commandments and tells us we can't do things only because he knows the result

        • "Don't do that, it will hurt you" He cries out to us
        • Why don't we listen? Why must we experience the pain before hearing God's plea to save us?
        • God is a loving Father trying to keep us safe, to protect us from things that are harmful: OBEY HIM!
  • Prayer

    • I've had this understanding and interpretation of this passage for a while, but for some reason it was on my mind tonight, and that's why I share it with you. Let it be a good reminder to us all!
    • "Father...we thank you...thank you for the cross on which we have been made righteous in your sight through your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for your endless love...God I ask that you show us how dirty sin is, but also show us how destructive sin it hurts us, more than we often realize...Help us to obey the things you have commanded...and stay away from the things that are harmful...Father, we love you and we long for you...fill us with your Spirit and guide us in our daily us to be disciplined and spend time with you...spend time in your word and learn your truths...God, thank you for all you have blessed us with...for your grace and mercy...I pray these things in the name of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit...Amen!"
    • Be encouraged and have a blessed day!


  1. way to be productive when you can't sleep, kev

  2. you only say that because computers somehow bow down to worship you, computer whisperer. carlene and i are on to you, kevin gunn. meanwhile, computers break and fail me horribly. seriously.

    p.s. i am fine--homework is the devil and my laptop find the appropriate time to crash, that is all. and you?

  3. hey buddy! just wanted to say that i saw your xanga and it was encouraging to me. : ) keep hangin in there!... ~Lauren

    p.s. If Abby's right and computers bow down to you, that's a very bad thing. God doesn't believe in that. As Abby would say, STOP MAKING BABY JESUS CRY

    : ) have a great night, friend!

  4. well, my problems with my laptop stem from the fact that i dropped it from my bunkbed last year. i dunno. i am probably to blame. :)

  5. didn't get a chance to read the sermon, yet, but I will, quarantee.

    what i wanted to tell you is that......i did the same thing last night. Kev, my body hasn't had more than 5 hours sleep in ....a week. but last night, when it got around 11pm and i knew i didn't have the heart to study for music and was in desperate need of sleep, my mind stubbornly remained awake. this was not a "too tired to sleep" thing, I promise. My mind and heart were awake, so, i put on a walk to remember and GOD spoke to me. I woke up, roughly 3 and a 1/2 hours later, and was not dizzy, not cranky, but purposed. felt trememdously good. mine has a lil more to do with the battles i'm facing and the way i cope, but nonetheless, i empathize and it's nice to know i'm not the only one.
