Saturday, October 1, 2005

Eyes of a child

I want to share a few quotes that have been on my mind last couple of days...ever since I read them...from Under the Overpass .
"Begging is hard. It's something you expect hungry dogs to do, but not men and women made in God's image. The minute you put out your hand, or open your guitar case, it feels like you're writing "failure" and "weakness" all over yourself. You're telling everyone who comes by, "I am unable." (pg 61).

"When you're sitting on a sidewalk, you're at eye level with babies and kids. It's a different world down there. As toddlers stumble past holding their parent's hand, they lock youin their unashamed gazes or they peek curiously out from their strollers. They haven't yet learned to ignore what they see, so they can actually take in the world as it is. [italics added] While kids might pretend people who don't exist do, it's the parents who pretend that unwanted people who do exist don't." (pg 65).

My prayer...

"Lord, give me the faith of a child...let me see the world as it is...and more importantly, let me see sin as it the dirt and grum it really is...not the beauty Satan makes it out to look like...let me walk in your ways...hold onto your a child holds onto the hand of their parent...and follows their parent...without question...without doubt...without hesitation...just follows with complete faith and trust...and teach me what it means to be humble."

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