Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ultimate Frisbee Frenzie

I am really sore at this point...6 games of Ultimate Frisbee this was a lot of fun...but a lot of work at the same time...had 4 games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday...
Oh...and I cut open my knee...once again! Third time in one week...last Tuesday slid for the frisbee in the GRASS!!!! and cut it open pretty deep...then slid for the frisbee again on Thursday and cut it open (tore the scab off)...then once again yesterday I cut it open...that's going to leave a mark...

Love Dave Anderson (pastor of Calvary Baptist Church)...and the book of Romans...incredible...

Going to follow Noogz on this one:

10 years ago:
1) Never talked to a homeless person
2) Didn't like to read
3) Didn't like school or education
4) Was not a Christian

5 years ago:
1) Started attending Forest Meadow Baptist Church (my home church in NM and an amazing church at that)
2) Considered going on a mission trip...but didn't follow through yet
3) Started to feel a calling toward ministry
4) Made a decision to go to a Christian University...but wasn't sure where yet
1 year ago:
1) Considered dropping school and becoming homeless
2) Applied to go to Utah for CCU2theWorld Mission trip
3) Desired to be a Student Chaplain
4) Participated in No Shave November...but went until March

1) Played at an Ultimate Frisbee tournament at CSU
2) Went to listen to Dave Anderson and a message in Romans 2
3) Tossed a Frisbee with Treehouse and SnowMass People...and cut my knee again
4) Talked to (and was encouraged by) Karalyn (Zeal)

5 Snacks I Like:
1) Reeses
2) Oreo Cookies (or even better...freshly cooked Chocolate Chip Cookies)
3) Ice Cream
4) Chips

5 Songs I Know all the Words to:
1) I don't remember all of the words to a single song...but only a line or two from a bunch of songs...kind of disappointing sometimes

If I Had a Million Dollars:
1) Pay off student loans and pay for college (and Seminary and maybe Graduate school)
2) Donate some to FatBoys
3) Give to the Church
4) Donate to a charity...or sponsor a missionary...or invest so I have more to give...I don't know what the forth thing would be.

5 Things I Would Never Wear:
1) Women's clothing...thank goodness
2) Food in my beard (except by accident)
3) Short shorts
4) anything care bear

Favorite TV Shows:
1) I don't like to watch I don't have any favorites

4 Bad Habits:
1) Waiting until last minute before doing homework
2) Never really serious (same as Noogz...most of what I say is sarcastic...but fun)
3) I tend to be really quiet at times
4) I like to eat...although it doesn't effect my weight...


  1. come on, you know the words to "oh praise him" . . .

    and i think you should reconsider the care bears idea . . . you'd rock sleepy time bear. ;)
