Thursday, October 27, 2005

Trip interviews...

Currently Reading
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul
By John Eldredge
see related

Currently Reading
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul
By John Eldredge
see related
What a week...started out amazing, then Tues. and Weds., just another one of those days...down, depressed...don't even really know why...just was...stuff on my mind...but don't really know what.

Missed Fatboys tonight, took the week off...I missed it...didn't know what to do with my time...Today was amazing though...

Played ultimate today and Tuesday...have a huge cut on my leg from sliding in the grass...not sure how I cut it...battle wounds from Ultimate Frisbee...that's amazing.  Huge tournament this weekend...I'm will be fun.

Interviews for Utah and Chicago mission trips...not sure which one I will do yet...also...reconsidering New Orleans Hurricane Relief trip...I might go after all...if I ever get a hold of the guy...

A lady...Debbie...reminded me of why I love ministry the other day.  Mike and I went to breakfast early Saturday morning before Promise Keepers...this lady comes up and wants to buy a sweatshirt like the one I was wearing...a Fatboys sweatshirt...I tell she could...get her information...and walk away after receiving a huge hug...she was tremendously excited.

I go to her work yesterday to deliver three sweatshrits (one for her, and two for her sons)...she gives me a folder with papers...and tells me how blessed she was to buy those touched her life...more ways than I know or could express...that's why I love touch the lives of others...even when least expected...and in more ways than I can even count!  I love ministry!  I wasn't even "doing ministry", just having breakfast, and someone was touched...I love God...I love how He works!

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