Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ultimate Frisbee Frenzie

I am really sore at this point...6 games of Ultimate Frisbee this was a lot of fun...but a lot of work at the same time...had 4 games on Saturday and 2 on Sunday...
Oh...and I cut open my knee...once again! Third time in one week...last Tuesday slid for the frisbee in the GRASS!!!! and cut it open pretty deep...then slid for the frisbee again on Thursday and cut it open (tore the scab off)...then once again yesterday I cut it open...that's going to leave a mark...

Love Dave Anderson (pastor of Calvary Baptist Church)...and the book of Romans...incredible...

Going to follow Noogz on this one:

10 years ago:
1) Never talked to a homeless person
2) Didn't like to read
3) Didn't like school or education
4) Was not a Christian

5 years ago:
1) Started attending Forest Meadow Baptist Church (my home church in NM and an amazing church at that)
2) Considered going on a mission trip...but didn't follow through yet
3) Started to feel a calling toward ministry
4) Made a decision to go to a Christian University...but wasn't sure where yet
1 year ago:
1) Considered dropping school and becoming homeless
2) Applied to go to Utah for CCU2theWorld Mission trip
3) Desired to be a Student Chaplain
4) Participated in No Shave November...but went until March

1) Played at an Ultimate Frisbee tournament at CSU
2) Went to listen to Dave Anderson and a message in Romans 2
3) Tossed a Frisbee with Treehouse and SnowMass People...and cut my knee again
4) Talked to (and was encouraged by) Karalyn (Zeal)

5 Snacks I Like:
1) Reeses
2) Oreo Cookies (or even better...freshly cooked Chocolate Chip Cookies)
3) Ice Cream
4) Chips

5 Songs I Know all the Words to:
1) I don't remember all of the words to a single song...but only a line or two from a bunch of songs...kind of disappointing sometimes

If I Had a Million Dollars:
1) Pay off student loans and pay for college (and Seminary and maybe Graduate school)
2) Donate some to FatBoys
3) Give to the Church
4) Donate to a charity...or sponsor a missionary...or invest so I have more to give...I don't know what the forth thing would be.

5 Things I Would Never Wear:
1) Women's clothing...thank goodness
2) Food in my beard (except by accident)
3) Short shorts
4) anything care bear

Favorite TV Shows:
1) I don't like to watch I don't have any favorites

4 Bad Habits:
1) Waiting until last minute before doing homework
2) Never really serious (same as Noogz...most of what I say is sarcastic...but fun)
3) I tend to be really quiet at times
4) I like to eat...although it doesn't effect my weight...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Trip interviews...

Currently Reading
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul
By John Eldredge
see related

Currently Reading
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul
By John Eldredge
see related
What a week...started out amazing, then Tues. and Weds., just another one of those days...down, depressed...don't even really know why...just was...stuff on my mind...but don't really know what.

Missed Fatboys tonight, took the week off...I missed it...didn't know what to do with my time...Today was amazing though...

Played ultimate today and Tuesday...have a huge cut on my leg from sliding in the grass...not sure how I cut it...battle wounds from Ultimate Frisbee...that's amazing.  Huge tournament this weekend...I'm will be fun.

Interviews for Utah and Chicago mission trips...not sure which one I will do yet...also...reconsidering New Orleans Hurricane Relief trip...I might go after all...if I ever get a hold of the guy...

A lady...Debbie...reminded me of why I love ministry the other day.  Mike and I went to breakfast early Saturday morning before Promise Keepers...this lady comes up and wants to buy a sweatshirt like the one I was wearing...a Fatboys sweatshirt...I tell she could...get her information...and walk away after receiving a huge hug...she was tremendously excited.

I go to her work yesterday to deliver three sweatshrits (one for her, and two for her sons)...she gives me a folder with papers...and tells me how blessed she was to buy those touched her life...more ways than I know or could express...that's why I love touch the lives of others...even when least expected...and in more ways than I can even count!  I love ministry!  I wasn't even "doing ministry", just having breakfast, and someone was touched...I love God...I love how He works!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Promise Keepers...amazing

Another weekend over...and probably the most exciting weekend I have least in a while...Dad and Larie went home this morning...Mike left after church.

Promise Keepers...amazing! Wow...can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was...enjoyed going to that with Mike. There is nothing like a stadium full of men all together for the same grow in their be be men of faith and be the men God created us to be...I suggest all guys going to Promise Keepers least once!

Had an amazing an amazing God we serve!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Homeless Simulation ends

Another year of Homeless Simulation is over. I realized how hunger my soul has been for God's Word...I also have a higher respect for homeless people, sleeping out in the cold, and wet weather, on the hard ground is not all that comfortable...and I know they deal with so much more out on the streets, dealing with people passing by them and being rude or just ignoring them....It rained this year...that was quite the experience, didn't sleep either of the two nights, except maybe a few hours each night...all part of the experience though.

Promise Keepers this good friend Mike is coming tomorrow dad and his wife will be here later in the day...all joining us for FatBoys...Mike and I are going to PK excited! Heard some many good things about Promise Keepers, definitely the highlight for my week, along with Fatboys.

Remember what you got, and be thankful! We are blessed beyond what we even know! Don't wait until it's gone to realize all that you really have (or in that case, had)...Big Yellow Taxi - Counting Crows...God bless to you all...hope your weeks were absolutely amazing...and don't forget to spend time with your Creator!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Let the simulation begin.

Hung out with roommates and Snow Mass people yesterday...(and some cool girls from Red Cloud, sorry Hannah for not mentioning this)...homeless simulation starts today and goes through Wednesday...then my dad, Larie, and my buddy Mike come in on Thursday...all going to Fatboys...then Promise Keepers on Friday and Saturday with Mike...what an exciting week!!!

Check out homeless simulation at:
The picture is in the upper left hand corner. Refreshes every 30 seconds.

Looks like good weather for the next couple of days...that's cool. Please lift up FatBoys, not only for homeless simulation...but just as a ministry...for Thursday nights when we are downtown on the streets of Denver. And the leadership amazing group of people who make it all happen...FB Leaders, I love you guys and appreciate everything you do!! Your an amazing group of leaders...

Well...I'm out for a few days! Hey...pray for this week specifically with my dad going to experience FatBoys...he deals with homeless people, but not in the same way. He's a police officer, so he sees a whole different side of homelessness, I pray this will be a huge stretch for him, that he sees how amazing this ministry is and the difference we make in the homeless people's lives...and that he sees what I see every week...that he gets a taste of my heart and passion for these people!

Friday, October 14, 2005


Decisions, decisions, decisions...sometimes I wish I were a calvinist...I wish things were decided for's my decisions to make, some sooner than others...
Trip with CCU2theWorld
Salt Lake City, Spring Break -or-
Chicago, Spring Break -or-
Hurricane Relief Trip

Next year
Upperclass RA -or-
FatBoys President -or-
Student Director of Outreach Ministries -or-
Student Chaplain -or-
IT Department

I am one of the most un-decisive people you will ever meet...praying about these things...

Amazing quotes...

From the words of St. Augustine
"God, since You fill the heavens and earth, do they contain you? Or, do You fill and overflow them because they cannot contain You? The vessels, which You fill, do not confine You...Furthermore, when You are poured out to us, You are not brought down; we are lifted up...Since all things together could not contain You altogether, does any one thing contain just a single part? And do all things contain that same part at the same time?"
-From Confessions: "Chapter 3: God Fills All Things"

From Mike Yankoski
"If we are the body of Christ - and Christ came not for the healthy but the sick - we need to be fully present in the places where people are most broken. And it has to be more than just a financial presence. That helps, of course. But too often money is insulation - it conveniently keeps us from having to come face-to-face with a man or woman whose life is in tatters."
-Mike Yankoski, Under the Overpass

Just wanted to share some quotes that I found amazing...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Preparing for Homeless Simulation...

Here are some cool pics on Nik's xanga of our swimming experience...check em out:
(October 11, 2005 entry)

Feeling incredibly overwhelmed with things to do for Homeless simulation next week and this big midterm tomorrow in Historical Theology. Last minute planning and organizing for Fatboys next week, so we can live out in the boxes for three days.

I'm outta here, got things to do...there is never a dull moment in the life of a leader...that is what I have learned this year...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Homeless Simulation coming soon...

Gotta love the randomness of college life...went swimming in the pond
of Kit Carson at 9:30pm with 30 degree temperatures and freezing cold was quite refreshing...a cold shower afterwards never felt
so warm in my life!

Homeless Simulation is next week: Monday Oct. 17 through
Wednesday Oct. 19. If you have been downtown with FatBoys, please
join us.

Homeless Simulation is just that: simulating what the homeless might
experience, except we have the safety and comfort of campus. We
live in boxes for three days, two nights, no food, no drink (except
water from the nearby fountains), no showers, and continue with our
lives and the responsibilities we all have as students and such (and
don't our classmates love us and our beautiful smell). You can
view pictures of us next week at: http:\\ We
are in the webcam!

Had an Outreach Leaders' Retreat, and it was amazing (even though I was the only guy among 8 young ladies)! The people
I serve with are simply amazing. I enjoyed the time we all had
together. The cooking, eating, coloring, hiking, me flying into
the lake, the shopping, all of it! You all are a fun bunch of
people!...Eric, we missed you man, and hope you are feeling

That retreat never really ended for me! Saturday and Sunday I did
nothing productive. Monday I slept in (missing one morning class)
and forgot about an afternoon class. This weather makes the walk
across campus difficult. I want to stay inside...where it is
warm...with a book...with a cup of coffee or hot a movie...sit around...inside. Allas,
praise God for the opportunity to be educated, and the ability to
return to such a warm and friendly place! Remember the homeless,
who do not have such a place to retreat too (oh, want to be with them).

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Prayer for an officer

75 people at Fatboys this week...amazing! That includes a youth group of about 10 that joined!

There's an officer, Lakewood Police, named Don that I met last week and saw him again this week with his friend, Jim. In talking with them and getting prayer requests, they had only one request and I want to pass that on to you guys.

Please lift up Harlan Waugh in your prayers...he's an officer with Littleton Police and has a heart virus...only 25% of his heart is working...there's a 50% chance that he will live...and if this virus does not go away soon...he will be added to the heart transplant list...please pray for this officer.

Our Father in Heaven...I thank you for who you are...and I thank you that you have inclined your ear to hear us...that you listen to our cries...Father, I lift up Harlan Waugh in prayer...Be with him and his family Father...God I ask you to restore Harlan's health, that you heal him of this virus...Touch him with your love...Father, I also lift up all of those who put their life on the line for our with them throughout their shift...protect with them...I thank you for such people and their willingness to be in such a workplace of protecting others...Thank you Lord for your love and who you are...In Your Name I ask these things...Amen!

Monday, October 3, 2005

On Hebrews

It's nights like this that I am not always thrilled about...tired yet can't sleep...hungry, yet no food to really eat...lying in bed for hours, yet wide awake. I know I need the sleep and wish I could, but truth is...I can't sleep.
It's these nights that I often go for a bike ride...and it's these nights that I have ideas for sermons...that I get this inspiration to is also for this reason that I have a xanga write all of my sermon ideas in one central location...where others can read it...and I "preach" through writing while in school...and can come back to these ideas and outlines later...when the time is right. Though these nights are sometimes frustrating...I thank God for's my thoughts of the night.

The text is Hebrews 2:11, my favorite verse (at least one of my favorites).

  • It reads "For the one who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father. For this reason Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters," (NRSV).
  • What is the concept/defintion of sanctification?

    • Sanctification is the process in which one is made holy or righteous.
  • Who are the sanctified?

    • Those who have called upon Christ to redeem them of their sins, to save us from our iniquities (John 6:40)
    • Those who believe in Christ and the message he spoke
    • Those set free from the bondages of sin (John 8:36)
    • Those are have died to sin and are made a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17)

      • Essentially, we, Christians...the believers, are sanctified
  • Who is the one who sanctifies?

    • II Corinthians 5:19, 21
    • Christ himself, the one who is sinless, God himself revealed to us in the flesh
    • Christ died on the cross for us (John 3:16)
    • Through his blood, we are made holy, we are made righteous

      • Through Christ, we are sanctified
    • Christ came to save us from our sins, free us from the chains
    • Christ is our risen redeemer
    • We die to sin and rise with him
  • What does this mean?

    • We, Christians, are the brothers and sisters of Christ (Mark 3:31-35)
    • Christ is our brother, the very one who was innocent, yet paid the price

      • He was sinless, lived the perfect life, and died for us

        • "How Deep the Father's Love for Us", an amazing song, and one line reads

          • "ashamed to hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers", and how true is that
          • Our Lord IS humbled, He IS Love
    • Also, God is our Father, and we are all heirs to His kingdom, of which no one deserves to even enter! (Galatians 4:7)
  • Application

    • Remember who you are in Christ

      • Not only are you saved from death (the wages of sin), but you are also one of God's children
      • A brother or sister of Christ, our Savior
      • He Loves you, and don't forget that!
    • God is our Father

      • A friend once described sin as something that hurts us
      • God gives us these commandments and tells us we can't do things only because he knows the result

        • "Don't do that, it will hurt you" He cries out to us
        • Why don't we listen? Why must we experience the pain before hearing God's plea to save us?
        • God is a loving Father trying to keep us safe, to protect us from things that are harmful: OBEY HIM!
  • Prayer

    • I've had this understanding and interpretation of this passage for a while, but for some reason it was on my mind tonight, and that's why I share it with you. Let it be a good reminder to us all!
    • "Father...we thank you...thank you for the cross on which we have been made righteous in your sight through your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for your endless love...God I ask that you show us how dirty sin is, but also show us how destructive sin it hurts us, more than we often realize...Help us to obey the things you have commanded...and stay away from the things that are harmful...Father, we love you and we long for you...fill us with your Spirit and guide us in our daily us to be disciplined and spend time with you...spend time in your word and learn your truths...God, thank you for all you have blessed us with...for your grace and mercy...I pray these things in the name of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit...Amen!"
    • Be encouraged and have a blessed day!

Relief trip???

Thinking about a hurricane relief trip...rather I am praying about such a New Orleans over Christmas break...

You could pray for me...that I follow the Lord's will....

Saturday, October 1, 2005

Eyes of a child

I want to share a few quotes that have been on my mind last couple of days...ever since I read them...from Under the Overpass .
"Begging is hard. It's something you expect hungry dogs to do, but not men and women made in God's image. The minute you put out your hand, or open your guitar case, it feels like you're writing "failure" and "weakness" all over yourself. You're telling everyone who comes by, "I am unable." (pg 61).

"When you're sitting on a sidewalk, you're at eye level with babies and kids. It's a different world down there. As toddlers stumble past holding their parent's hand, they lock youin their unashamed gazes or they peek curiously out from their strollers. They haven't yet learned to ignore what they see, so they can actually take in the world as it is. [italics added] While kids might pretend people who don't exist do, it's the parents who pretend that unwanted people who do exist don't." (pg 65).

My prayer...

"Lord, give me the faith of a child...let me see the world as it is...and more importantly, let me see sin as it the dirt and grum it really is...not the beauty Satan makes it out to look like...let me walk in your ways...hold onto your a child holds onto the hand of their parent...and follows their parent...without question...without doubt...without hesitation...just follows with complete faith and trust...and teach me what it means to be humble."