Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What's next for me?

The question of the month...

Question: Do I want to lead FatBoys again or take on the Student Director of Outreach Ministries?

Answer: Praying...


  1. I'll be praying for you, Kev. Be praying for me too...I don't know if I want to lead Freedom again...I'm kind of leaning towards not doing it but God needs to raise someone else up for the job in that case...oh, decisions.
    I'm always here for you!

  2. I would still be in Freedom if I didn't lead it. Really, one of the biggest reasons I don't want to lead it is that leading it takes away from my time actually going into facilities. My strong point is definitely not organization and paperwork and all of that; I much prefer going in and ministering to the kids. So if I didn't lead, I would be going in more. I also really want to join either Fatboys or Fire and don't have time for that being a ministry leader. So don't worry--I'd still be really involved, just not doing paperwork. :) I definitely know what you mean though--in some ways it would be nice to not have to make all the decisions.


  3. So...what exactly is "Fat Boys?"...

  4. i have tagged you and now you are tagged... see my site for more details. =)

  5. kev, i heard that you were mad sick . . . i am sorry, friend.

  6. i'm sorry you were sick, i hope you are feeling better!!
