So, I got this book for Christmas, "1984: Remember When...." It is basically a book about all the things that took place and such the year I was born, 1984. One thing really caught my attention, an advertisement for a StarWars swing set. Can you believe it? The year I was born stores were selling Star Wars swing sets! Here's the ad:
Now playing in your backyard...
Scout walker command tower with speeder bike ride.
Featuring a 4-sound electronic console.
Gym-Dandy brings Jedi excitement to America's backyards. Little Jedi Knights can swing on the sturdy Speeder Bike and activate 4 great sound effects: Laser Canons, Turnstile Guns, Scout Walker and Proton Torpedoes!
To find the Gym Dandy dealer new you, dial toll free 800-447-4700.
That's pretty much the coolest thing I ever did see......
Been busy and continue to be as such....this is going to be a tough semester, but a good and interesting semester!
Thats freakin' amazing, I wish that I had a Star Wars swing set!