Tuesday, January 24, 2006

5 Wierd Habits

I have been tagged by Teresa:

Ground Rules: The First player of this "game" starts with the topic
"5 weird habits of yourself", and people who get tagged need to write a
Xanga entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule
clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next (insert number here:
as many or as few as you want) people to be tagged and list their
names. Don't' forget to leave a comment that says, "You are tagged" in
their Xanga and tell them to read yours.

1. I cannot sleep without some sort of blanket, but I cannot sleep when it is hot either. The room must be cold and I must be covered up.
2. I cannot sleep with the door open.
3. When I use the computer, I start to analyze the program I am using. I start to think in my head how they made buttons do certain things and what I could do to make it run better or what changes would I make to the program. (That's the programmer coming out in me I guess). I do the same similar thing with advertisements, after I took a marketing class.

4. On my computer, I can't stand a lot of icons on the desktop or a lot of windows open. I feel cluttered and overwhelmed. Everything has to be organized on my computer.

5. I comb my beard more than I comb the hair on top of my head.

I have tagged: Zeal, Pamela, Brittney, Lauren, and Claire.

Feeling better this evening...today I was just tired and overwhelmed with everything...but I have rested and now i am ready to go...finish the hw and such...

On my decision: I think I am going for Student Director...still praying though...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Scattered - My Decision and Desk

aaaaahhhhhh!!!! That is me screaming....overwhelmed...

Still, no decision as to the question on the previous post...however, I am thinking student director...

Okay, so I was tagged by Teresa, and I will respond and let you all know what that means...

Here's how I feel...scattered...and look at my desk!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What's next for me?

The question of the month...

Question: Do I want to lead FatBoys again or take on the Student Director of Outreach Ministries?

Answer: Praying...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Pictures from New Orleans - Post Hurricane Katrina

A few pics of New Orleans....(caption below pic)

church foyer before cleaning...

church foyer after cleaning...

Nursery Room...

church sanctuary...notice the dirt pile on the carpet...it's hard to believe there was carpet underneath...

sinks in Men's bathroom...

the pile of trash...all from within the church...it was an empty parking lot before we started...

notice the foundation with the house...this is the house in the middle of the street, 6 blocks from its lot...and not a single brick missing...

some of us distributing food on last day in New Orleans...
look at the suits and masks we wore all week...I got a good taste of my beard throughout the week in that mask...and pulled out a lot of hairs...lol, I love you guys Priority Mail...

For more pics...go to my facebook...

Disclaimer: These pictures are not mine, but are taken from another cite, from a team member that I worked with...All rights reserved. Copyright 2006. Lol, just kidding Heather.... www.xanga.com/canadaard

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Technology Defined by the Homeless

So FatBoys...it was awesome...I was glad to be downtown once again...

Bad to the bone Mike...a group saw him...this man is amazing and FatBoys has known him for years, except we haven't seen him in a while...he's getting off of the streets today!!! How awesome is that...

Had a guy trying to tell me he was a hacker, was sent to jail for it....I wasn't sure to believe him or not until another homeless man asked him what a mouse was...the guy replied "It's the main tool to connect to the internet." He went on telling me not to use the mouse or the feds will come and arrest me. He also told me not to get online, or he will find out...

The life on the streets, you never know what can happen next...

Next year...I don't like this time of year...now it is time for me to make a decision about next year....praying about it....I have a couple options...also...March 12, fly out to New Orleans? Sounds amazing, but don't know...praying about that as well....so many things on my mind and going on....

1984 - Remember When - Return of the Jedi

Tonight....tonight I get to go downtown with FatBoys once again....talk with my homeless friends....so exciting!!! Been looking forward to this night all week.

So, I got this book for Christmas, "1984: Remember When...." It is basically a book about all the things that took place and such the year I was born, 1984. One thing really caught my attention, an advertisement for a StarWars swing set. Can you believe it? The year I was born stores were selling Star Wars swing sets! Here's the ad:

It reads:
Now playing in your backyard...
Scout walker command tower with speeder bike ride.

Featuring a 4-sound electronic console.

Gym-Dandy brings Jedi excitement to America's backyards. Little Jedi Knights can swing on the sturdy Speeder Bike and activate 4 great sound effects: Laser Canons, Turnstile Guns, Scout Walker and Proton Torpedoes!

To find the Gym Dandy dealer new you, dial toll free 800-447-4700.

That's pretty much the coolest thing I ever did see......

Been busy and continue to be as such....this is going to be a tough semester, but a good and interesting semester!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Reflections on New Orleans - Post Hurricane Katrina

Okay...finally...I am now going to talk about the trip to New Orleans...I am now home long enough too and the energy to do so...today has been very busy, although it is only the second day of classes!!!!

Okay, so about the trip...but this is the short version...if you want more, I can email a long version to you, but I don't want to intimade anybody from reading this post...

The trip was amazing, but it was hard to see the damage without hurting with the people! I am on a team of about 30 ppl, Priority Mail (and I say that with present tense because we are very much still a team). It is an amazing team, the unity we built in just one week has been unlike any other team I have been on. God did some amazing stuff through our team and I believe, and every Priority Mail member would agree with me on this, that God is not done yet with our team. We are committing to fast and pray together, and even talking about a reunion!

The damage, unbelievable, and as one team member said, it's like a dream, simply because it is hard to believe that what we saw was real! Neighborhoods leveled out flat, the whole city completely destroyed...they still don't have electricity, and it is going to take at least a year just to clean up....that does not include rebuilding! My team worked at a church, and our contact was Pastor Randy. He is amazing, he lost everything, except his love for the Lord (including his zeal), and his love for the people. He has an amazing vision. My team gutted out his church so he can rebuild, and then let the church rebuild the city and claim it for the Lord!!!

They need our help still (even if it is prayer, which in so many ways is important). If you can donate, visit www.prccompassion.org. I am praying about going down for the summer (anybody interested?). This was intended to be short, so I am done here, but have so many stories, email me or ask me if you want to hear more detail!

Sunday, January 8, 2006

New Semester - Return from New Orleans

Well.....it is that time again....another semester begins!!!

New Orleans....what an amazing trip, yet tough at the same time. Priority Mail, I love you guys!!! (I wonder what others think of the name and such....makes me laugh)

Anyway, I was glad I went and after arriving into Houston, or a day or so later, I realized that Satan had been attacking me....trying to discourage me from going....but he failed! God did some amazing work with our team and in New Orleans, oh what an amazing team we had!

More updates about the trip to come later....come back to read about the trip....or ask me about it.....and for those who like coffee shops....let's go hang out and talk