Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Finished the paper...and turned it in.....feels a lot better to be with that huge one...got some assignments to work on...but nothing quite that big...

Chapel...I enjoyed that...there is a different style of worship....can't do it on a regular basis....talking about Anglican type churches....such as Episcopal....

I think I will become a priest at an Anglican church just so I can wear the robe (or whatever it is called) and so you can call me Father Gunn. (see below for the irony in that)

Was looking into my Scottish heritage a bit...my last name is part of a clan in Scotland.....came from Gunnar, or Gunni, meaning "war". Our motto is: Aut Pax Aut Ballum, which means "Either peace or war."

If only kilts weren't so darn expensive, I would buy one...and show my true Scottish heritage....but I don't have that kind of money....

Here is a picture of our crest (with our kilt colors behind it)...

And again...except a better picture...

Here are some cites to check out regarding the Gunn Clan:


Here's a Scottish quote for you:
Man is a dog's ideal of what God should be. - Holbrook Jackson

Icons in church...the topic of my paper....and here is my official standing....as of now....
I think icons are a good thing to use in a time of meditation....and a few in a sanctuary will not hurt anything...but I do not think they should be venerated as some churches do....icons provide imagery for the stories we read in the Bible and the people we read about....it also provides an image of Christ in our minds....something to keep our focus (especially in worship)....
My baptist church back at home might cast me out for saying that....but that is how I feel right now....after doing all of this research and writing about icons...there is my two cents....thank you all for your responses and opinions....

This is officially the LAST post before I am 21....


  1. dear father gunn, (i'm sorry that just sounds weird to me, maybe because of the purple wig in the previous post?) i am of scottish decent as well. i am come from the campbell clan and, thus, am related to king arthur. that's right. i am technically your ruler or something. you should call me "your highness" and buy me lots of gifts.


  2. Father Gunn... I might have to ponder that for a while.

  3. Father Gunn, ha that just sounds weird. I am also of scottish desent. I am from the MacLean clan and Abby's

  4. strange.....and yet kind of awe-inspring...in a "braveheart" kind of way.....

    Happy Birthday!!!!

    Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!

    Mr. Kevin Gunn, the world is a better place with you in it. A funnier place, too.
