Sunday, December 4, 2005

Greek Orthodoxy

10 cups of coffee...unfortunately with caffeine...caffeine in coffee is not good for you (and decaf coffee doesn't taste any different...that is my newest coffee drinking practice) a research paper....and sources stacked to the ceiling...finally got everything "organized" and now it is just finishing typing everything up...which is the part I continue to struggle with...

Went to a Greek Orthodox Church yesterday morning...ask me about it...
It was interesting and rich with history...

After visiting a Greek Orthodox Church...and doing my paper on icons...I thought it might be appropriate to show an icon...

This is similar to an icon (or painting) found at front of sanctuary of Greek Orthodox Churches...Virgin Mary with Christ on her lap...her arms are open to show that though Christ cannot be contained by the world, she bore a sense contained him...the gold halo around their heads symbolizes that they are holy...notice the hands of Christ...that is an Orthodox symbol resembling the the left and right of Mary...the little circles...are resemblences of her name...and on the halo of Christ is a cross, with the letter alpha and letter omega...resembling that he is the first and the last...Mary is also called theotokos (or "Mother of God")...a little Greek lesson for ya'll

Once again...this post is to procrastinate on my paper a bit more...I should have started this thing months ago...per suggestion of the's an amazing topic...but I lost enthusiasm real quick...just give me the knowledge...without having to do the work...

sigh...learning is part of the process and much can be...well...learned from it...

Okay...enough babbling...time to get back to work...or bed...who knows...

day full of meetings and paper writing (as well as my busiest day regarding classes)...

1 comment:

  1. "just give me the knowledge...without having to do the work..."

    amen, brotha. amen.
