Thursday, December 15, 2005

Winter break

Probably the last post for a couple of weeks so enjoy....

If your a friend of mine in NM, email me if you wanna hang out.....

A fortune cookie told me this today: "You constantly struggle for self improvement - and it shows".

What in the world does that mean? "Your a failure at life!" Some fortune that was....I was better off not reading it.....

Failed Greek but I think I did well on my other an extension on one of them, which is nice, thank you to the professor who gave me that extension.....gonna be working on that this weekend and next week.

Theology question for you all to chew on while I am away from my computer....
Why did God create the universe, and us, if he didn't need any of it? God is completely self-sufficient and doesn't need anybody or anything. So, why did He create everything He created?

Have a wonderful Christmas to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. men and women procreate out of love for each other...they want to see a product of that love. in the same way, i think that because the Trinity is perfect love, there is a natural desire then (that God then gave us) to want to create out of love. it's one of the many reasons for creation of anything: love. in perfect love, there is then a desire to see a creation come out of that love...not a necessity, but a desire. that's something i was told last year, and it just made sense.

    have a great break, kevin! let's hope we get to be friends next semester!

