Monday, December 26, 2005

Preparing to Leave

Christmas was great....been a busy weekend....yet a relaxing break at the same time!

Hung out with the most amazing friends I know in NM....Cody, Zack, Mike, and my bro....I love those guys....

Going to New Orleans tomorrow...pray for me while I am down there....part of me doesn't want to that bad, not wanting to do ministry, yet doing it anyway? I can't back out now....yet I am also exciting and looking forward to the trip....

Hope your Christmas was amazing...and for those out of school for a while....enjoy break!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Winter break

Probably the last post for a couple of weeks so enjoy....

If your a friend of mine in NM, email me if you wanna hang out.....

A fortune cookie told me this today: "You constantly struggle for self improvement - and it shows".

What in the world does that mean? "Your a failure at life!" Some fortune that was....I was better off not reading it.....

Failed Greek but I think I did well on my other an extension on one of them, which is nice, thank you to the professor who gave me that extension.....gonna be working on that this weekend and next week.

Theology question for you all to chew on while I am away from my computer....
Why did God create the universe, and us, if he didn't need any of it? God is completely self-sufficient and doesn't need anybody or anything. So, why did He create everything He created?

Have a wonderful Christmas to all of you!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Must see Narnia

Chronicles of Narnia...absolutely amazing...I might take my siblings to see it...I don't know...but it was amazing...if you haven't see must go see is worth it....will blow your socks off...(I had a hardtime finding my socks in the theater after the movie...with the lights off....okay, so that was lame)...but it I want to skip out on my finals and read the books....

Please be in prayer for the homeless....several have already died due to the weather here in Denver of which made it in the paper.... Sub-zero Odds for Homeless: View this Article

DJ is known in FatBoys....please keep all homeless in your prayers....

Busy until Thursday...and then it is break.....

Friday, December 9, 2005


Thank you all for an amazing birthday the other was def. a surprise and very much appreciated.....I love you day was amazing....

Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Finished the paper...and turned it in.....feels a lot better to be with that huge some assignments to work on...but nothing quite that big...

Chapel...I enjoyed that...there is a different style of worship....can't do it on a regular basis....talking about Anglican type churches....such as Episcopal....

I think I will become a priest at an Anglican church just so I can wear the robe (or whatever it is called) and so you can call me Father Gunn. (see below for the irony in that)

Was looking into my Scottish heritage a last name is part of a clan in Scotland.....came from Gunnar, or Gunni, meaning "war". Our motto is: Aut Pax Aut Ballum, which means "Either peace or war."

If only kilts weren't so darn expensive, I would buy one...and show my true Scottish heritage....but I don't have that kind of money....

Here is a picture of our crest (with our kilt colors behind it)...

And again...except a better picture...

Here are some cites to check out regarding the Gunn Clan:

Here's a Scottish quote for you:
Man is a dog's ideal of what God should be. - Holbrook Jackson

Icons in church...the topic of my paper....and here is my official of now....
I think icons are a good thing to use in a time of meditation....and a few in a sanctuary will not hurt anything...but I do not think they should be venerated as some churches do....icons provide imagery for the stories we read in the Bible and the people we read also provides an image of Christ in our minds....something to keep our focus (especially in worship)....
My baptist church back at home might cast me out for saying that....but that is how I feel right now....after doing all of this research and writing about icons...there is my two cents....thank you all for your responses and opinions....

This is officially the LAST post before I am 21....

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Greek Orthodoxy

10 cups of coffee...unfortunately with caffeine...caffeine in coffee is not good for you (and decaf coffee doesn't taste any different...that is my newest coffee drinking practice) a research paper....and sources stacked to the ceiling...finally got everything "organized" and now it is just finishing typing everything up...which is the part I continue to struggle with...

Went to a Greek Orthodox Church yesterday morning...ask me about it...
It was interesting and rich with history...

After visiting a Greek Orthodox Church...and doing my paper on icons...I thought it might be appropriate to show an icon...

This is similar to an icon (or painting) found at front of sanctuary of Greek Orthodox Churches...Virgin Mary with Christ on her lap...her arms are open to show that though Christ cannot be contained by the world, she bore a sense contained him...the gold halo around their heads symbolizes that they are holy...notice the hands of Christ...that is an Orthodox symbol resembling the the left and right of Mary...the little circles...are resemblences of her name...and on the halo of Christ is a cross, with the letter alpha and letter omega...resembling that he is the first and the last...Mary is also called theotokos (or "Mother of God")...a little Greek lesson for ya'll

Once again...this post is to procrastinate on my paper a bit more...I should have started this thing months ago...per suggestion of the's an amazing topic...but I lost enthusiasm real quick...just give me the knowledge...without having to do the work...

sigh...learning is part of the process and much can be...well...learned from it...

Okay...enough babbling...time to get back to work...or bed...who knows...

day full of meetings and paper writing (as well as my busiest day regarding classes)...

Friday, December 2, 2005

CCU Baseball and FatBoys

FatBoys last night was great...thanks CCU Baseball team for joining us...we were glad to have are welcome to come down with us anytime...

Got a lot to do right now...up until Tuesday night I will be really stressed and incredibly busy with this huge paper I have yet to write...

Two great quotes from today from our good honorary Snowmass friend...:

"Is this where you smoke your smores?"
"Can you touch the cieling without reaching?"

I found a sweet wig and find it should see the looks people give me...amazing!!!