Sunday, September 11, 2005


Got my computer going again...and just returned from a New Student Retreat with Colorado Christian University. Last Wednesday evening I was asked to go and lead a small group so I accepted the offer and we left Friday morning. My freshmen year I had to work and missed the retreat, and now, I wish I had is a good experience for the new students.
This weekend I had the most intriguing dream over the weekend. Friday night, our first night up there, I had a dream of the theme verse for 2005-2006 which is Psalm 86:11-13. In the dream I was taking apart the passage and somehow explaining something that related to doxology and God's love. I don't remember much of the dream, but I am going to pursue this passage and try to figure out what I was subconsciously thinking.

The very next day, I read a passage in II Corinthians (accidently opened to the wrong passage) and it related to doxology.

"What does this mean God? What adventure am I about to take? Whatever it is, Help me be prepared to see you work and give me eyes and ears and a heart to see you move."

Rest of the weekend went well...Saturday night at worship I realized how much I really do miss singing and now may see if I can join the worship team at church...that excites me.

Although I was a leader for the weekend, I was able to "retreat" as well...which was needed and very much enjoyed.

God bless and remember God throughout your day...Lift up a joyful noise to the Lord.

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