Saturday, September 17, 2005

Prayer of the humble

A rough week that ended well. I spoke in chapel on Tuesday, and after listening to myself, I know some areas that I need to work a long ways to go before I will be ready to give a sermon.
Sunday and Monday felt like I could drop my faith and walk away, just feeling heavily attacked spiritually by Satan and glad God has brought me out of that...not good days. After my little talk on Tuesday, things went well.

Also realized, or rather, remembered why I love the homeless people and enjoy doing FatBoys so much...and it is to hear the humble prayers of homeless guys, to see grown men brought to their knees and cry before the Lord....Prayed with a man, Diesel, who has lived on the streets for a while now and a good friend to Fatboys. He asked if we would pray with him, and he opened it up, but not one word was for himself...he prayed for us!...Here is a man with nothing, freezing on the streets, and he is praying for our health, our safety, and so forth...very humble man. There is nothing like a prayer with a homeless person on the the middle of downtown Denver!

Please pray for FatBoys...we have seen some attacks from Satan within the ministry, and had some experiences the past couple of weeks. God is faithful and is watching over us...and Lord, we thank you for that. We thank you for your care and inclined ear to us human beings who sometimes fail to recognize your existence or workings in our own lives and workings around us. Thank you Lord for your love.

Dwell in Him this weekend!

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