Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Homeless things and such

Currently Reading
God in the Alley : Being and Seeing Jesus in a Broken World
By Greg Paul
see related

I still don't know what I am going to be doing for the summer...as of now, looks like one week will be out on the streets....that's exciting....

Got a couple books in today...just "fun" reads...books that I would like to read in my oh so overwhelming free time that I seem to have plenty of (sarcasm, I have no free time, or at least not a lot of it)...anyway, started one of those books today...God in the Alley...

Here's a quote from it that I simply found amazing, and true:

"Society in general tends to dismiss them [people on the streets] as losers.  I have come to see them, battered and broken as they are, as tragic heroes." -pg 9, Greg Paul.

It's true, society views people on the streets, the homeless and others, as losers and reject them...say they are lazy...but little does society know about these people...if we only took time to hear their stories...to listen...we might understand how they ended up on the streets...many come from broken families...parents were drug addicts, whatever the case...they have fought huge battles...some still fighting and struggling...some just need counseling and help to get going again...need some guidance and someone to be there for them every step of the way...whatever the case may be...

Hmmm...do you see a trend in my life?....like maybe I am called to homeless ministry after school....I don't know....but I am praying that God shows me....oh I can't wait until I am done with school sometimes....I don't like being stuck in classes....I want to be out in the world doing ministry....or something...but alas, this is where I am supposed to be, learning and growing...grant me patience Lord to stay where you have me until the time is right and you send me elsewhere...

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