Monday, November 28, 2005


working on a research paper on icons in the early church (1st century)...but my question to all of you is this:

What is your opinion of icons in the church?

Icons are statues, pictures, or images of some kind and can range from Jesus Christ himself, to the virgin Mary, to the saints.

Let me know what your opinion of icons in sanctuaries....does it create an intimate place, or place of reverence to worship God? does it "create the mood" for worship and reverence? what about our white walled, pictureless sanctuaries with florescent lighting...what kind of worship setting is that?

Opinions please...


  1. YOU!
    I'm not sure about icons... I have no problems with Crosses or Efigies (is that how it's spelt?)
    I don't really like the sterile feel in a church (florescent lighting, pictureless, white walls)

  2. for me personally (and they call this add), i don't like big paintings and murals. i also don't like the little felt wall hangings...i'm too distracted.

    but i do like really old churches with really ginormous crucifixes behind the altar...and i'm generally a fan of big cathedrals. i think it gives my faith an almost more authentic, dated feel. like i'm part of something much bigger than i am....something that is not a product of just my generation.

    however, there is this asymmetry in my church sanctuary where the wall on the right has nothing (it poses as the powerpoint wall) and the wall on the left has an annoying felt wall hanging. it bothers me oh so much.

    it's interesting to think about how perhaps our surroundings dictate our ability to worship...or our style of it at any rate.

    you're a smart cat, kevin. what classes do you have next sem?


  3.'s hard because they personally hold no meaning, and so I automatically conclude that they are meaningless to others.

  4. i was told once that icons of saints were like photographes of old well respected friends that remind us of our past- that people have followed Christ before us and that can give us hope for our future. we can feel less original in our struggles when reminded of them and more likely to look to the old, dead and wise for insight.

    - just a thought.

  5. Icons... hmmm... I personally think that they might make the church look more beautiful then if it just had bare white walls, but as a worship enhancer I think that they could get distracting if you are not in a reverent worshipful mood. But thats just my opinion...

  6. did you get any more insight from our dear Aaron?
