Sunday, November 27, 2005

Back from Break

wow...break was good and very much needed...didn't really have any responsibilities this past week...forgot what that was like...have had a lot going on this was good to be home and have nothing to really worry about...

Church today was good focus on what God has done for us and remember the blessings...reminded me of this sermon that I had put together from the you go...enjoy! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and an amazing break...time for the final stretch...only two weeks of regular classes...then finals...whoa...two weeks...scary to think about...I have a lot to do in those two's the outline...

I. Background

a. Genesis
i. Creation Account
ii. The Fall/Eating of Apple
1. Entering of sin into world
iii. Story of Cain and Abel
1. Cain kills Abel
iv. Increased wickedness
v. Noah Called to Build Ark
vi. The Flood Story
vii. Abram (Abraham)
1. God's covenant with him
a. Promised a child
viii. Sara
1. God's covenant with her
2. Bears child
ix. Abraham and Isaac
1. Father called to sacrifice son
a. God's faithfulness
i. Imagine making such a sacrifice
1. God made that sacrifice with Christ on the Cross
2. Refer back to hymn

x. Joseph
1. His faithfulness
2. Has dreams, later sees those dreams and in second command to Pharaoh
b. Exodus
i. Moses called to deliver people
ii. The ten plagues
iii. Israelites delivered out of Egypt
1. Released from slavery
2. God splits the sea
iv. Layout of the Tabernacle
v. Moses on Mt. Sinai
c. Leviticus
i. More on the Tabernacle
ii. The Sacrifices
1. Names the sacrifice, purpose, and how to carry out the sacrifice
iii. Laws and ordinances for the people
d. Numbers
i. The Tribes and tasks assigned to each tribe/clan
ii. Set out with the Tabernacle
1. Follow cloud by day, fire by night
a. This is God's presence among the people
II. Brings us to Chapter 11
a. Other Complaints of the people
i. Exodus 14:10-12
ii. Exodus 15:22-24
iii. Exodus 16:3-4
b. Numbers 11-First-two complaints in Numbers (About 4th complaint altogether)
i. Vs 1-3: Reason is uncertain, fire outside edge of camp
ii. Vs 4-6: Now no meat, been eating manna
iii. Vs 7-see Also Exodus 16:3-4
iv. Moses cries out, can't carry burden alone
1. God's faithfulness
2. They are given meat, Moses is given help
c. Numbers 14-Second complaint in Numbers
i. Chapter 13- Land of Canaan reached, spies sent out to scope the land
1. Reports of strong and fierce people vs 28
ii. Chapter 14:
1. Vs 1-4: People want to go back to Egypt, complain God brought them out here to die.
2. Vs 5-19:Moses and Aaron plead for the people, and ask for God's Mercy and Grace
3. Vs 20-28: God offers forgiveness
4. Vs 29-38: Consequences of the people's actions
5. Vs 39-45: People take things into their own hands and fail.

III. Application
a. People continually forgot what God had done
i. The Plagues in Egypt
1. Deliverance from slavery and bondage
ii. The Parting of the Sea
1. Spared them and waters crushed the armies of Pharaoh
iii. Previous miracles in the dessert
1. Providing water and manna
b. We Forget God's miracles in our lives
i. The Cross
ii. Miracles and workings in personal lives
IV. Challenge
a. Write in your Bible, things that God has done for you
i. In times of sorrow, loneliness, hurting, suffering, whatever, reflect on these things and remember God's faithfulness.
ii. Remember what God has done for you, focus on those things, and don't focus on what you don't have!
iii. To many times we focus on what we don't have, or what God hasn't done, we must wait upon Him. He is all knowing and has complete wisdom. He knows what is best for us.
b. Prayer
i. Thank you Lord for who you are and your faithfulness...Thank you for always being there for us in the past and continuing to do so in the future. Lord, help us all remember you, especially this holiday us to remember the glorious birth of your son, his life, and his sacrifice. Thank you for your love. Help us to remember our blessings, and wait in you for things we hope for. In your holy name, Amen.

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