Sunday, November 13, 2005

Denny's, FIRE, and Grandparents

Make sure to see my sermon outline at the end of this babbling.
Been a good weekend...Thursday went well...stayed late at Denny's...good times...budget review for FatBoys Friday morning...and went to FIRE...amazing time there....good job Shanna...keep up the good work. It reminded me why I want to do full-time be amidst the chaos and know that God is in complete control (the irony of that, yet truth).

Lunch with Grandparents...good you guys. Star Wars Marathon Friday and Saturday evenings...good movies. Ultimate Frisbee game...against Mines (other schools didn't show) was rough with the wind, but good (minus my drops and few bad throws).

Church this morning...amazing! Anderson reminded me why I am suffering through Greek, to go back to the original text and find the things that we miss with the English translations!!!

Fun pictures (more to come later)...

Here's the reason for this post... a new sermon idea that I have had in mind for a while, and recently confirmed and inspired to type out because of God's work through Anderson!

The text for this sermon is: Matthew 27:45-54.

John 19:30 "When Jesus had received the wine, he said 'It is finished.' Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." (NRSV)
I remember I was once asked a question: "If God is all powerful, why can't he simply forgive sins? Why did he have to forgive through Christ?"
  • I am going to attempt to answer this question, and explain the purpose of, and need for, Christ.
  • The Birth of Christ:
    • Born of a Virgin in a sinful family
      • Matthew 1
      • Because he was born of virgin and begotten by God, He was not in the same sinful state as his ancestors
    • Born to a poor family
      • Joseph was a carpenter, not a king.
      • The family were not of any great significance (not until Christ's birth)
  • The Life of Christ
    • Faced temptation, yet resisted (Matthew 4)
    • Lived a sinless life
    • Lived among the servants and needy, not a life of a king or hero (see the Gospels)
  • The Death of Christ
    • Purifed man of their sins
      • John 19:30 - paid the price for sin in full
      • Matthew 27:46- Christ feeling sin for first time...the absence of God (God had to turn away..he could not see his son with the sin and suffering he went through)
      • .Romans 5:18 - Sin entered the world through one man, and sin was conquered through one Man
  • The "Problems" of the Pharisees
    • Christ was not born of a noble birth - there is nothing royal in a barn
      • The Pharisees were expecting a king
    • Christ was not a king - He lived among the poor and needy
      • The Pharisees thought the Messiah would be a great king or hero
    • Christ did not redeem the people from this world as the Pharisees thought He should - Christ did redeem us from sin as the prophets say
    • Christ died - The Pharisees didn't think the promised Messiah would die
  • Why did Christ have to die? Why Can't God just forgive?
    • God is Just And Merciful
      • Through Christ, God can show justice, and yet at the same time show mercy.
      • God is never changing...He is always the same.
      • If God is always the same...ALL of His attributes and characteristics must ALWAYS be present...including both mercy and justice (though the two seem to conflict).
        • Through Christ, God can show both attributes
        • Christ died to pay the debt...we must accept his payment on our behalf (mercy)
          • If we do not...we are condemned as the Scriptures say (justice)
      • If God simply forgave and Christ did not die...there is no justice.
      • Christ also offers us a visual aid (an example to follow)...Christ showed us the New covenant and way to live..
      • Christ also showed us that God is a personal God...God is not foreign and distant, but close and relational...compassionate...and God can relate to us...
  • This sermon doesn't do its justice...there is more to expound upon...more to say...and this is simply an outline...each underlined main point can be elaberated on and so much time can be spent on each point...this is simply a quick over view...
  • Father...We thank you for your love and sacrifice at the Cross...for your love and compassion as shown through us through your son Jesus Christ...forgive us of our sins and help us to fully understand what happened on that we may be better equipped and can understand of how marvelous you truly are...continue to reveal yourself to your with us this day...In your name, Amen!
Go in peace and may God be with you...spend time with your Redeemer today!

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