Friday, September 30, 2005

The Purpose of Ministry

My mind doesn't stop...the thoughts...the ideas...the questions...just keep coming...keep rolling...
Last night at FatBoys we were reminded by a street musician (an interesting man), who came to our prayer circle, why we do what we do...the purpose of Fatboys...and that our work is not in vain, not going to waste...that people really do appreciate what we do...He reminded me of a couple lines from Under the Overpass

"When we're willing to to get down to eating together, listening and telling the truth together, cleaning together, pealing potatoes together, the Gospel comes alive," (pg 46-47).

"...but our good intentions and sound theology are wasted if those we minister to don't feel that we care about their immediate concerns," (pg 48).

Preaching the Gospel to a homeless person will mean nothing to them, they have heard the speech. Giving them a track is just added luggage to their belongings...we must first care for them if we want them to know see and understand who God is and that God loves them...but if we fail to help them, our preaching and track giving is meaningless. That is why FatBoys focuses on giving food and clothing, that is why we listen to them and talk with them...why we care for see the Gospel come alive in our interactions with the needy.

The questions are still rolling..."Lord, I seek your guidance and direction...I want to walk in walk in your me Lord...give me direction...Thank you for you love, for your inclined ear to our our our needs and wants...Thank you God for caring for us...and watching over us. I love you Lord, Amen."

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Intentionally homeless?

FatBoys was great tonight...thanks for all the prayers.

Been thinking lately...thinking I might take some time off after I graduate from sweet and challenging would it be to live on the streets for a few months...let everything go...have nothing...learn to be humble...learn to give though you have nothing...let your faith be challenged...I might do that...depending on what God has in mind...just a few months...that's all.

If you get the chance...check out this book...I hear it is amazing... Under the Overpass , a couple guys, graduated from Christian colleges, and they took the adventure I just described...I have heard so many people who have done this...and been amazed and changed by the experience...they learn to beg...learn to live with no food...learn what it is like trying to sleep when it is freezing temperatures...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

How do we...?

How do we become humble?...
How do we truly take captive of our every thoughts?...

How do we pray without ceasing?...

How do we truly deny ourself (get to the end of self)?

How do we, as John Piper would say, make our passion be single (and focused on God)?..

How can we be undignified in our worship and reverence to God?

Our everyday key phrases of the Christian life, and yet no one really knows how to live to answer these questions...that is what I have found and begun to ask, of others and of myself. Yes, we are called to do all of these; but how...where does it begin...

Lord, I thank you for your grace...for your patience...for your unceasing and undeniable love toward us...though we mess up...though we fail to uphold your forgive extend your grace and pick us up with your loving hands...thank you, O Lord...Thank you for being with us every step of our journey and thank you for hearing our cries and prayers. Thank you!

Monday, September 19, 2005

An email received

Got this email the other day...from one of the guys who started FatBoys a while back, in 1997 if I remember correctly. Before the ministry started, a group of guys would just ride around downtown...having fun on was in 1997 when the ministry actually began. They went from just riding taking stuff to homeless people, things like granola bars and, starting the 9th year of the ministry...we take things like blankets, clothing, food, and any special requests that we can provide...

Here is the email FatBoys received from Nate, who started the ministry...and how it has impacted him...

Hey Fatties,

My name is Nate and I was apart of Fat Boys from its humble beginnings and led it for quite awhile. I just wanted to thank and encourage you for continuing the Fat Boy ministry and all that it stands for.

I know for me personally, it was a life changing experience that I will always carry with me. Rarely a week goes by when my thoughts don't return to some memory of Fat Boys and the people in need on the streets. My hope is that you too will carry your experiences with you for the rest of your life. Fat Boys is so much more than an "extra-curricular activity", but I'm sure you have already figured that out.

I also wanted you guys to know that I pray for you. I pray that God will empower you to spread His message of love and hope to those who need it so desperately; to shine the light of Christ into the deepest,darkest corners of Denver. I pray that urine soaked back alleys become places of worship, where the truly lost become the newly found. I pray that tears will be shed, hugs will be shared, and friends will be made. I pray that God will give you strength when you are tired and courage when you are scared, so that you can move forth, never swayed by the dark powers that engulf the streets and attempt to interfere with your task. I pray that God will show you amazing things, but also that you have faith and perseverance for the times when things don't seem so amazing. Finally, I pray that you always remember: the importance of what you do,your impact on so many lives, and the God you serve.

May God bless you in all you do,


I must note that when he says fatties, he is referring to the members of Fatboys, whom of which we refer to ourselves as fatties...thanks for those words of encouragement Nate.

I think I want to write a book.......

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Prayer of the humble

A rough week that ended well. I spoke in chapel on Tuesday, and after listening to myself, I know some areas that I need to work a long ways to go before I will be ready to give a sermon.
Sunday and Monday felt like I could drop my faith and walk away, just feeling heavily attacked spiritually by Satan and glad God has brought me out of that...not good days. After my little talk on Tuesday, things went well.

Also realized, or rather, remembered why I love the homeless people and enjoy doing FatBoys so much...and it is to hear the humble prayers of homeless guys, to see grown men brought to their knees and cry before the Lord....Prayed with a man, Diesel, who has lived on the streets for a while now and a good friend to Fatboys. He asked if we would pray with him, and he opened it up, but not one word was for himself...he prayed for us!...Here is a man with nothing, freezing on the streets, and he is praying for our health, our safety, and so forth...very humble man. There is nothing like a prayer with a homeless person on the the middle of downtown Denver!

Please pray for FatBoys...we have seen some attacks from Satan within the ministry, and had some experiences the past couple of weeks. God is faithful and is watching over us...and Lord, we thank you for that. We thank you for your care and inclined ear to us human beings who sometimes fail to recognize your existence or workings in our own lives and workings around us. Thank you Lord for your love.

Dwell in Him this weekend!

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Got my computer going again...and just returned from a New Student Retreat with Colorado Christian University. Last Wednesday evening I was asked to go and lead a small group so I accepted the offer and we left Friday morning. My freshmen year I had to work and missed the retreat, and now, I wish I had is a good experience for the new students.
This weekend I had the most intriguing dream over the weekend. Friday night, our first night up there, I had a dream of the theme verse for 2005-2006 which is Psalm 86:11-13. In the dream I was taking apart the passage and somehow explaining something that related to doxology and God's love. I don't remember much of the dream, but I am going to pursue this passage and try to figure out what I was subconsciously thinking.

The very next day, I read a passage in II Corinthians (accidently opened to the wrong passage) and it related to doxology.

"What does this mean God? What adventure am I about to take? Whatever it is, Help me be prepared to see you work and give me eyes and ears and a heart to see you move."

Rest of the weekend went well...Saturday night at worship I realized how much I really do miss singing and now may see if I can join the worship team at church...that excites me.

Although I was a leader for the weekend, I was able to "retreat" as well...which was needed and very much enjoyed.

God bless and remember God throughout your day...Lift up a joyful noise to the Lord.