Monday, May 8, 2006


In class all this week, 9am to 5pm...alright...that's won't be too bad...minus the long class day...but an interesting and helpful class at that...that's if i can put my complex thinking aside and come down to this simple way of thinking...

In Problem Solving and Decision Making (PSDM) there are simple questions to ask for every problem...what's the problem, who's involved...what's the solution...along those lines....who needs to do what, when, where, and to what extent...none of this theory analysis and finding reality stuff...the reality is there is a problem to solve or decision to make and here is the process to find the solution or right decision based on the said, so simple!!!

The reading, compared to them books about critical realism, self-evident way of reading nature, postmodernism and other complex issues...the books that I am still trying to determine if they really do exist in my hand or am I imagining that I am holding a book and reading it for class as it really required or is that a false reality as well...
now it is about management, the book is real, this class is real, I don't need to define reality, or problems, or solving problems, it is assumed that the meanings are universal and everybody knows the meaning...the steps...also universal and used in all kinds of corporations today...this is a good class and huge for future job applications...I don't know if I can wrap my mind around something so simple without thinking about philosophy and integrating it into PSDM business class....

Anyway...a busy week, but shouldn't be too bad...staying around CCU for the summer, taking this class, and three online classes, working with Summer Conferencing (helping the groups that come use our facilities during the summer), and if things work out...I will be graduating next May...alright!!!!

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