Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mt Elbert

God is amazing!!! Went climbing the other day...Mt Elbert. Got to the top and saw nothing but snow-capped peaks all around, it was amazing!!! I felt so small, so insignficant to everything around...Ps. 8:3-4: "When I look at your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?" In this case, it wasn't the moon and stars, but the mountains, as far as the eye could see, and to think this was only part of Colorado, which is part of a country, which is part of a continent, which is part of the planet we call Earth, which is only part of our universe...and so on, in the end, we are only little creatures, and when oyou look at everything God created at a whole, we are smaller than an ant, and yet God, creator of everything, gave us this planet for us to take care of, for us to enjoy...and God created us in his image, unlike every other creature...and to go on...the details this planet has, everything to the little sand grains, all from the mouth of God, spoken into existence...God is wonderful!!! Check these photos out (taken from the top)....

Above is my good friend Mike...

Little superhero man above...

That's the view from the top...Mt. Elbert, tallest peak in Colorado standing at 14,433 ft. (trailhead starts at about 10,500) was one heck of a climb...but totally worth it...the view is like nothing I have ever seen...Praise God for the work of his hands, for this world he has created...and it is only a glimpse of his power and glory...God is great!!!


  1. yes yes...but don't forget stars make everything more beautiful...when God isn't mad :)

  2. hehehe @ the comment. It's sweetness to see and hear of such adventures and hear the praises of GOD. good jazz.

  3. Wow!!! Wish we had that type of scenery here.

  4. I didn't know America had landscape like that. Did you check out the picture Canadaard posted? God's handiwork is everywhere.

  5. Wow sweet pictures man! Makes me wish I could have gone with ya'll!

  6. Those are some AMAZING pictures!

  7. Amen... GOd is great! Those are some pretty pics!


  8. Incredible view perched atop God's splendor and wonder! How would that be to bring the homeless atop this?!
