Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Theology in Crichton's Timeline

Currently Reading
By Michael Crichton
see related

I finished all of my homework for the rest of the semester on Sunday!!!  I picked up a fictional novel this week from the Library, just a fun read (from my favorite author outside of theology/philosophy and all that jazz)...having nothing to do with Theology, Philosophy, or any of my other majors/'s been a while since I had a fun read that didn't involve any of the above...a novel that only required imagination and not hardcore analyzing or deep thought...however...that doesn't mean i haven't thought deeply...

Check this out:

Background:  The book is about time "traveling" and a group of people who were working on an excavation project in France, traveled back to that era, France in 1357 AD.  Having stepped off the time machine, here was one of their reactions...

...something about this forest struck him as sinister.  He [Chris] turned round and round, trying to understand why he had the distinct feeling that something was wrong with what he was seeing--something was missing, or out of place.  Finally, he said, "What's wrong?"
       She [Gomez] laughed.  "Oh, that," she said.  "Listen."
       Chris stood silently for a moment, listening.  There was the chirp of birds, the soft rustle of a faint breeze in the trees.  But other than that...
       "I don't hear anything."
       "That's right," Gomez said, "It upsets some people when they first arrive.  There's no ambient noise here: no radio or TV, no airplanes, no machinery, no passing cars.  In the twentieth century, we're so accustomed to hearing sound all the time, the silence feels creepy."
             (Timeline, pg. 163)

Amazing picture...and yet often do we take time out of our days to just be silent, and not in the city, but in God's creation?  We have missed it...we live in noise and in a fast-paced, constantly moving world, and very little do we take the time to just stop, and be silent.  Very little do we go to the mountains and just listen to God's creation, to the peace..."Be still and know that I am God," (Ps. 46.10)...take that time...that's my challenge...stop working, stop running around, stop!  Be still in God's creation, and know that He is God, that He loves you, and the creation we miss everyday was for you!

I also thought it was interesting later on in the next paragraph or so, Chris explains the air seems to have more oxygen....what are we doing to this world God created, and to ourselves?

...sigh...i can't even read fiction books without thinking deeply...oh well....

God bless to you all!!!!

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