Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Homeless things and such

Currently Reading
God in the Alley : Being and Seeing Jesus in a Broken World
By Greg Paul
see related

I still don't know what I am going to be doing for the summer...as of now, looks like one week will be out on the streets....that's exciting....

Got a couple books in today...just "fun" reads...books that I would like to read in my oh so overwhelming free time that I seem to have plenty of (sarcasm, I have no free time, or at least not a lot of it)...anyway, started one of those books today...God in the Alley...

Here's a quote from it that I simply found amazing, and true:

"Society in general tends to dismiss them [people on the streets] as losers.  I have come to see them, battered and broken as they are, as tragic heroes." -pg 9, Greg Paul.

It's true, society views people on the streets, the homeless and others, as losers and reject them...say they are lazy...but little does society know about these people...if we only took time to hear their stories...to listen...we might understand how they ended up on the streets...many come from broken families...parents were drug addicts, whatever the case...they have fought huge battles...some still fighting and struggling...some just need counseling and help to get going again...need some guidance and someone to be there for them every step of the way...whatever the case may be...

Hmmm...do you see a trend in my life?....like maybe I am called to homeless ministry after school....I don't know....but I am praying that God shows me....oh I can't wait until I am done with school sometimes....I don't like being stuck in classes....I want to be out in the world doing ministry....or something...but alas, this is where I am supposed to be, learning and growing...grant me patience Lord to stay where you have me until the time is right and you send me elsewhere...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

FEMA, what a mess...

I really don't like FEMA...check out the latest on Fox News at:
Click on FEMA Fallout and Katrina Waste videos

Hearing news like that reminds me of why I want to be back in New Orleans...reminds me of the people still without homes...the city is still cleaning up...not ready yet for rebuilding...what a mess...

I was also reminded today that I wanted to be "homeless" for a while...and I think that would be sweet still...man I love Under the Overpass...what a good book...

CCU Men's B-ball...what a good game...we lost in over time...but man, so intense...I love watching CCU Basketball...good games....

Gotta work on homework still and be at class at 8am, now going on 1am, gotta run...just thought I would share that FEMA stuff....urrggghh, so frustrating...

PS...new sermon outline coming soon...come back to check it out...

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

What Am I Doing This Summer? What about Student Director?

CCUers...if you have not been to the prayer room in Yetter, go!!! It is good place to be with the Lord...and to pray for our campus...for one another...or simply to be in His Presence...

San Francisco...amazing!!! I am going back to that city...when? I don't know...How long? I don't know...but I am going back! It was a sweet place. Normally I wouldn't be so excited about it...but there was something there that I liked...maybe a need I saw for God's Word...for ministry...I don't know...but I will be back.

Not sure what I am doing this summer...maybe going to SF, maybe working here in Denver, or maybe going to New Orleans for a while...just simply don't know.

I think I am starting the process for applying for Student Director...pray as things start to take place...pray simply for God's guidance and His will...doing Student Director would give me an opportunity to really be involved in each ministry and learn about the other ministries...which may help me later down the road...I think I also desire for a position to encourage and such...and not necessarily to plan...being SD would give me the opportunity to encourage the other leaders...

Despite the rumor around campus...I am not applying for Student Body President...

There's the latest in life the way I live it...

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

SoulForce is Coming to CCU

Snow Mass is amazing...I love all of you guys....yeah!!!!

Room 104....next week....same place...

Leaving for San Francisco in less than 12 hours....yeah!!!!

It's amazing to be used by God and spoken through the Holy Spirit....

We had a meeting tonight concerning an issue at the school. Soul Force, a gay, lesbian, bi- and trans-sexual group is coming to our school to speak, whether we want them to or not....the meeting tonight was to discuss the issue and how we are to respond to the group...do we close the door or engage in dialogue. I have seen God work in dialogue in the past, and it has opened up many doors of ministry....for those of you who did not make it to the meeting, let me know your thoughts...and for those who don't attent our school, I am curious to your opinion as well...Soul Force is visiting something like 20 schools and trying to get accepted into the Christian community...

My challenge to CCU and others: Pray...pray for our campus...pray that our hearts and ears are in tune with God's will...pray for our staff and faculty as this is dealt with...that the decision they make is God's will...and pray for Soul Force...again for God's will to happen in this group...

Something I shared at the meeting...something that God put on my heart...and this is where the Holy Spirit spoke to me...I was looking for a verse, just one, about praying continually, and remembered Colossians 4:2, and found that the whole passage was applicable to our situation...it's amazing how God works...anyway, I want to share this with all of ya'll:

Colossians 4:2-6 - "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving. At the same time pray for us as well that God will open to us a door for the word, that we may declare the mystery of Christ, for which I am in prison, so that I may reveal it clearly, as I should. Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone."

  • Challenge to campus: pray continuously, devote yourselves to it. There is power in prayer, let's not take this based on our own hearts and desires, but let us tune ourselves with the will and love of God before we act.
  • Vs 3 - Pray that God will open doors for the word to be shared, this was a prayer that Paul requested while in ministry and traveling, and in this case, in prison. Today, on this campus, it should be our prayer that this opportunity, which ever way it goes, opens up doors of ministry.
  • Vs 5-6
    • Outsiders - those who are not part of the church
    • We must be wise when we are talking and engaging with outsiders, and in our case on campus, with the Soul Force group, the "outsider"
      • What does this mean? If they come to speak and engage in dialogue, we need to be ready, and as it was mentioned at the meeting, setting up informational meetings, forums, and things to educate the campus on what the Soul Force group is about and standing firmly on our own ground.
      • This is very true with the outside world, with the lost. If we as Christians are completely ignorant about our world, there is no way we can discuss and engage with the lost on any intellectual level, and chances are they will not believe our ignorant arguments for what we believe as Truth.
    • Making most of the time
      • If Soul Force comes to visit, let's make the most of it.
      • Again, in our modern world and in terms of the non-Christian, when you are out with a lost individual hanging out, make the most of that time, you don't know when that person may depart, and go to hell if he is not a believer.
    • Let your speech be gracious, seasoned with salt
      • Do not speak in words of hatred and anger, but with compassion and demonstrating God's love. Is there a time to condemn and such? yes, Christ overthrew tables in the temple, but he also was loving towards the people. Love the lost individual, care for that individual, but also proclaim truth with that individual, without words of hatred.
  • Heavenly Father...gracious God...we thank you for your love and compassion...we thank you for who you are and the blessings you have given us....God I pray for this campus, for CCU, that we can unite in this time and stand together...that this event does not divide the university...God, I pray for the Soul Force group, that you be with them...with their travels...but God, that you also show them the lifestyle in which they live in...I pray for the sanctity of marriage as you created it to be...God, be with the staff and faculty as they discuss and prepare for the visit by this group...I simply ask your will is done in all of this...help us to make the most of this time...be with us, O Lord...In Christ's name I pray...Amen.
A couple quick last things...I want to clarify that the University did not ask them to visit and the university is not condoning or necessarily accepting such a lifestyle, but this group basically said they are coming whether we want them to or not...and this is where the University is question....How are we to respond? Do we close our campus and not let them onto it...or do we let them visit and discuss with them?

What are your thoughts, opinions, questions...so forth? CCUers, don't let this divide us as a campus...pray, pray, pray!!!!