Friday, July 28, 2006

Feeding the Homeless

In some major cities, such as Las Vegas, Nevada, it is now ILLEGAL to feed homeless people...the cities claim that it attracts more homeless and creates a bigger "problem"...

What is our nation coming to? Okay, I can see their point, but here's the problem:

The "problem" of homelessness will not go away if you stop feeding them, or make panhandling illegal!!!! All you are doing is making it difficult for the homeless to survive...and now they will have to dig our leftover food out of tash cans and dumpsters, but the "problem" will not go away: why? Because panhandling and feeding is not the source of the issue.

Before cities enact such laws, they should, and in my opinion must, first develop and implement a plan to end homelessness, and hopefully a successful plan at that...this will cut down on the issue, allow the homeless a way out of their current lifestyle, which is what many of them are looking for, a second chance. This does not mean, however, give them a job and expect them to succeed at it, many of them first need counseling before anything else (and help with some of their addictions they picked up while trying to survive on the streets).

Panhandling and feeding of the homeless is not the issue! The issue is a lack of needed and helpful services to get these men and women (even children) off the streets! Our city needs to quick avoiding the problem and start acting, but not issuing these laws to end panhandling and feeding. The homeless survive off of these (and barely at that), until they can get a second chance!!!! Law or no law...I will be a good samaritan and help a man in need...many of them are our brothers and sisters in Christ, on their hands and knees begging for help...

Check this video out:
You can download it:

Read this book: Under the Overpass, by Mike Yankoski

You'll understand my frustrations, or begin to, after reading the book and seeing the video! The homeless are humans...we want to end world poverty, not put laws into place to allow people to starve...our goverment has it backwards...


  1. i love that book...

    thanks for sharing the video :)

  2. I saw a report on that law in Vegas and couldn't believe it. They do have it backwards. Thanks for following your calling towards the homeless. It's encouraging.
    I just remembered our group praying before going to clean out the church in NO. You were a good MIG leader, KG. :o) Talk to ya later.

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