Wednesday, March 15, 2006

SoulForce and Chicago Upcoming Events

So, it's been a while I has been busy.

Reminder: Please be in prayer for our campus regarding the SoulForce Group coming to visit, April 13th.

I leave for Chicago in just a few days...Friday Morning to be! I got a whole lot to do between now and then!!!

Looking forward to the will be great...please pray for the trip and all other CCU2theWorld Spring Break trips...

That's mostly it....and planning for FatFest....which is inviting our homeless guys/girls to campus to hang out for a few hours....get some free food...and just relax...


  1. kev, you are doing a great job.

    if you need any help on fatfest, etc., let me know, dude.

  2. yo... where at in Chi-town??? Tony and I are actually about 20 min. south of chicago right now! We've been here all week! The would be cool if we all ran into eachother!


  3. Me thinks it's time for an update... How are your summer plans going?
