Friday, March 31, 2006

Homeless Man Calls me Ugly

Only a month or so left of school....

Last night at Fatboys was told I was ugly by a homelessman...that's quite the insult! He was flurting with one of the girls, and I tried to step in and distract him, he looks at me and says, "Man, your ugly." He also said, "Man, I am going to show you how to come your hair, cause you are ugly."

Later I tried to distract him again and he said I looked like the Apostle Paul. He also said I was like John. While walking, he stumbled and said to me, "Man, you don't even know how to walk." What in the world, he is the one who tripped, not me.

Chicago Trip was amazing...and frustating at times...some of the homeless we talked to... like

"Hey, are you guys Christians?....Good, are you going to ignore me like the rest of the world or are you actually going to listen to me." He then tells us that he needs $7+ dollars to buy a meal at McDonalds. What McD's does he go to?

Here's the plan: 3-4 summer classes, work full-time, 18 credits in the Fall, one winter term, 17 in the spring, and then I can graduate next year, and move out to San Francisco to work with an amazing ministry out there, InnerChange. It's going to be a busy year, but I got a lot to look forward to.

Soul Force's Equality ride will be here on April prepared CCU!!! Pray for us!

There's the quick update. Been busy this week, had many interviews and a few more for next years ministry leaders, and I had to be at all of those!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

SoulForce and Chicago Upcoming Events

So, it's been a while I has been busy.

Reminder: Please be in prayer for our campus regarding the SoulForce Group coming to visit, April 13th.

I leave for Chicago in just a few days...Friday Morning to be! I got a whole lot to do between now and then!!!

Looking forward to the will be great...please pray for the trip and all other CCU2theWorld Spring Break trips...

That's mostly it....and planning for FatFest....which is inviting our homeless guys/girls to campus to hang out for a few hours....get some free food...and just relax...

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

my dream

So Monday night, I had this sweet dream...
I had a dream that CCU was without electricity for some reason, and it was on the news, it was even on CNN...not sure why, but it was...(and now that I think about it, how would I know, I can't watch the TV, we don't have power remember). Anyway, they announced that night that all morning classes were cancelled, the 8am and 9:25am classes, and hopefully by then power would be up again. So, Tuesday morning, my alarm really goes off, I wake up, turn off my alarm, convinced that classes were cancelled, so I went back to sleep. Yeah, I my dream had me convinced that I didn't have to go to my 8am class, and so I didn't. ooops. now I have to explain to my professor why I missed on Tuesday, do you think he will believe me?

This summer....fasted Tuesday...don't think InnerChange is where i belong, but I don't think I could sit here in Denver, or anywhere, and just make money...I want to be in SF, I want to be at IC, but I can't....God, is this the plan you have for me? Do you want me to stay here?

School...FatBoys...responsibilities....all to overwhelming to even think about right now...oh boy...

FatFest...only a month away, that's four weeks or less of planning....I want to scream!!!!