Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Computer crashing

Well, yesterday my computer crashed, again! I think I need to buy a new hard drive. I am quite frustrated with my computer at this point. It's funny, other people's computers I can fix no problem, yet my own computer has crashed twice in one month and both times was unable to recover the memory. Sometimes I wonder if I really want to major in computers.
Anyway, for a while, I may not be online or posting much. For now, check this stuff out and as soon as I am up and running, I should have more to say.

First off, go check out these sights. The first is a huge database of sermons, and all sound interesting. Go to:

Here is my favorite sermon found at :

The sermon is by John Piper, "Let Your Passion Be Single". There is some deep theology and profound statements in that sermon.

Discipleship group kick off was tonight, got a few guys signed up, and I think it will be a sweet year pouring into the guys.

FatBoys, the homeless ministry, goes down tomorrow night, which I am quite excited for. There's the latest. Gotta get things done. God bless!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Reading Numbers

Yesterday I posted something that I had read in my personal devotions. I want to back up and go back to what I had learned over the summer.
Somebody had spoken in chapel this last year and suggested that we pick a book of the Bible and spend a month reading that particular book. I started with Genesis and am working through the entire Bible, taking at least a month, but more if necessary.

Over the summer I was reading Numbers, and found it to be amazing. I felt like God was teaching me "Rememberance". I had applied for a leadership position here at school, but didn't get it. For a few months I was really bummed out, but later received my current FatBoys position.

This summer, I almost lost my mom in an accident and felt God used that as part of what he was teaching me.

In Numbers, we see the Israelites complaining because they are without food (meat), or water, yet in God's faithfulness, he provides for their needs and is watching over them.

God is also watching over you. For me, I was focusing on all the things that weren't working out as I had expected (similar to the Israelites), but later learned that God was really working, just in ways different than I had expected.

Challenge: Make a list of ways God has worked in your life (not every way since we don't have that kind of memory). I would suggest making this list in your Bible. When having a bad day, return to this list and be reminded of God's faithfulness. He is in control. God bless!

Friday, August 26, 2005

FatBoys theme

The theme verse for Fatboys for the 2005-2006 academic school year comes from Deuteronomy 15:11. This verse talks about giving to the needy, which refers to them as neighbors, with open hands. The context of this verse is saying that we should not give and do ministry with the expectation of receiving, giving and looking forward to the reward we will be given.
Rather, we should give and do ministry out of our own hearts and desire to serve God because He deserves at least that. Yes, we will be rewarded, and we should look to God for those rewards and not rewards offered by man. However, don't do ministry thinking:

If I give this poor person some money, God will see and reward me.

Rather, give out of the kindness of your heart.

This man is poor, let me give him some money to help.

FatBoys is a homeless ministry located in Denver and every Thursday night we go downtown to the homeless to help them out and give them some of the basics, such as food and clothing. My challenge this year, and I think the mission of the ministry, is that we give openly and without expectations. We know we will be rewarded, but we don't give to receive; we give because we want to give (we want to glorify God).

Challenge: Give liberally (and by that I me with open hands and no strings attached)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The beginning...

Well, I decided to get a xanga account. Here you will find random information and things I am going through, as well as insights and sermon ideas or Bible study material, things that I think are amazing that I read in my quiet times.
For now, it is late and I wanna head to bed, just got back from FatBoys (the homeless ministry I am part of).

God bless!