Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Morning, Mourning...Praying!

I had some thoughts to write this morning...regarding theology and Scripture, but now, feel those are but unimportant in compared to what has taken place. Yesterday morning, for many of us, began like any other morning, and yet, for some, well, for some it was unlike any other day...

I extend my prayers to Virginia Tech students, staff, and faculty...I cannot image what they are going through...the pain and sorrow...I pray for them all....I mourn with them....

(I also feel it important to note, that yes, things could have been done differently, and it is easy to say that now, but school security were acting in the spare of the moment, without much time to really think about their actions...let's not be too critical...remember that we have more information now than they had at the time)

On a less serious note, and a now a time to shift to theology, which is yet still important...

I have been studying the creation account in Genesis and ask:

Is it possible for the Bible and Science to coexist without conflict? Can we use science to help show that creation needs a Supreme Being to create this world? Must the two conflict?

I also ask, is the age of the Earth young or old? Science says old, and yet we can derive from the Bible a young Earth?

On a more humorous note, Bishop James Ussher supposedly used geneologies in the Bible to determine the exact day and time the Earth was created and concluded the following:

"Heaven and Earth, Centre and substance were made in the same instant of time and clouds full of water and man were created by the Trinity on the 26th of October 4004 B.C. at 9:00 in the Morning."

Bishop James Ussher, 1664

Anyway, so what do you guys think? What do you believe? I know this really is not important for faith, but I do want to know. I want to find a point at which Science and Christianity can coexist and be used for the Glory of God!! I want science to point to God! As I believe it should and can...I just haven't figured out how yet.....


Thursday, March 8, 2007

AntiChrist lives in Houston

I saw this on a friend's xanga, and thought it be important to point it out for others to see...a man in Houston claims to be the second coming of Christ!!!




check out the videos.....

73 days until I get married!!!! :)

Wedding Countdown

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Time for an update. One month later!

Dec. 14th Heidi and I flew out to Indiana to see her parents. We arrived in Indianapolis to see her sister, who then drove us up to her parents' house.

It was a good trip. I went knowing that we would probably get engaged, but first I had to ask her parents! Man, that is exciting, but something that is hard to do. I was really nervous about it, although I knew that they would say yes. There is just something about asking the parents of the one you love if you could marry their daughter! The first opportunity I had, I was so nervous about it, that I didn't ask.

Friday night, with my second opportunity to ask, I did it. I was able to ask her dad and mom if I could marry her, and they said yes as expected. Saturday morning, the 16th, we had Christmas with Heidi's parents and sister. We exchanged gifts and stockings, and just before going to eat breakfast, I stood up and said I had one more thing. With Heidi's mom, dad, and sister in the room, I got on one knee and asked the question. She said yes, surprised and excited!

It was a great Christmas break, although getting back home was rough. We were supposed to leave Dec. 21, the day after the big storm hit Denver. Our flight was cancelled, and we couldn't get another ticket until the 28th. We ended up getting a refund, and took the bus back thanks to my mom who helped us find a way to get home for Christmas.

We left Indiana Friday morning, running an hour behind schedule. We arrived in St. Louis to transfer, but the transfer bus was full. They brought in a new bus and we headed to Kansas City. We arrived their at 7:30pm, just on time to catch the next bus to Denver. Unfortunately, that bus was full and we ended up waiting until 2am for the next bus to arrive. We finally made it to Denver Saturday afternoon and made it to my mom's safely and on time for Christmas, after spending more than 30 hours on the road.

Christmas was good and it was good to be in Colorado with my family and newly engaged. I am now back at school finishing my last semester in college.

We are getting married on May 19th, and the link below will take you to our countdown clock!!! That's exciting to think about! I have been engaged for a month now....wow!

Wedding Countdown

I got an emial from a team member about this video posted on YouTube.com. It's a video of the team and I that I worked with while in New Orleans just over a year ago....check it out!